Category Archives: grandchildren

Hot Wheels in a Beanie

Beauty in the day: it was time to take the daily walk to pick up Jaffrey from school, so Bree told Everett to get ready. He showed up with her crocheted beanie cap filled with about 16 hot wheels. She noted this and mentally rolled her eyes, but figured if he could carry them in the cap, it wasn’t worth the argument to tell him to leave them behind.
When they reached the school, the children we being dismissed, and heading out to meet their parents. Bree suddenly became aware that Everett was passing out his hot wheels to kids, saying, “Merry Christmas!” Bree asked him if he knew that he wasn’t getting those back, and Everett said, “I know, but they’re for the kids!”



Beauty in the day: making plans for Spring Break to be the “Coco-In-Charge” while the Littles’ mom and dad go away. Besides the fact that it’s always sweet to be with the grandkids, mine have been racking up points lately. My daughter’s birthday is just a few days after mine, and Jaffrey said, “Oh Mommy! It’s your birthday? Are you going to invite Coco to come?” 🙂 This was in addition to her exclamation upon seeing the colorfully wrapped gifts I had sent: “Oh, Mama! Coco LOVES you!” Everett was caught a few days later talking on his mommy’s phone to a poor, unsuspecting man. Not realizing it was “live” and not “memorex”, Bree asked who he was talking to when she found him, cuddled on the couch with his blanket and her phone. He sighed a long contented sigh and replied, “Oh, I’m just talking to my Coco.”
It will be a good visit.

Let’s Jet

Beauty in the day: I mean, it’s Christmas, right? The day has been spent with laughter and gifts and amazing food. The kids are happy and full of joy.
We were enjoying another round of giving and loving and sharing, when three-year-old Everett came into the room, his arms laden with die-cast jets, gifts he had received earlier in the day. He walked around the room, handing each occupant one of his precious jets, saying “This is for you!” as he handed them his treasure.
Best. Gift. Ever.

King Me


Beauty in the day: in this truly harried day, I found several little beauty moments; like the kid who told me that the best thing about a school that collects box tops is that he eats A LOT of cereal; like the kid that showed up wearing safety glasses to go with his safety gloves; but my favorite is the story behind this picture of my (absolutely adorable) granddaughter. The drawing is of a lion, she says, and her beautiful mom (okay, I’m taking a little smidgen of credit for that) reports that Jaffrey is “very into the Lion King”. I’m told that Jaffrey thinks that the song lyrics are “Oh, I just can’t wait to meet The King!”

~Me neither, Jaff. ☺️🎉

Cuckoo for CoCo


Beauty in the day: Jaffrey got it in her head the other day that I was coming to visit, and that it was imminent. “Mommie, Coco’s coming tomorrow!”
“Oh, no, sweetie, Coco’s not coming tomorrow. She will come sometime, but not tomorrow.”
“No, she’s coming tomorrow, Mommie!”
They did a little back-and-forth, and Bree put her to bed with a shrug.
The next day seemed quite normal, and the kids played as usual. When bedtime came, Jaffrey suddenly started crying bitterly. Thinking that she may have pinched herself, Bree investigated.
“What’s wrong, sweetie? Are you okay?” Jaffrey’s answered was punctuated with loud sobs.
Apparently she had been holding out all day for my arrival. Even though it’s painful to think I let her down, I can’t help but be warmed at the thought that she wanted it that much.

Go Ahead: Make My Day

Beauty in the day: Erin called me via FaceTime so I could visit with the kiddles. They didn’t know she was going to do this, and Jaffrey’s elation at this MADE. MY. DAY. She kept gasping, and putting her hands on her cheeks – she was so amazed and excited to talk to CoCo. “I LOVE you, CoCo!!” she exclaimed over and over. Everett played the adorable shy boy, and covered his eyes to peek out. It was a perfect present for me. ❤

Blessed by Association

Beauty in the day: sometimes people do good things for people that you love. For me, when that happens, it feels like they are doing something for my family. This means my fam is getting the love right now. Thanks, people who do good things for the people that I love. ❤️