Tag Archives: love

Things That Make Days Good

Beauty in the day: so they were lined up by the door of the school waiting for dismissal. I like to go out into the foyer and say goodbye to the kids – this is when they sometimes tell me random stuff.
One little kindie girl held up a pice of paper folded like a card and colored bright colors. “Look at what my friend made for me!” She was exuberant. Friend was next to her, and hopped up and down silently, a grin spread all over her face.
The kindie girl continued her exaltation, showing me how her friend had drawn her a lovely picture, “and look!” She got even more excited, which made Friend hop up and down ever so much more jubilantly. “She colored the two sides my favorite colors!” And then, with a highly exaggerated wave of her hand, showed first the purple side, then the pink.
Now Friend stopped hopping, and leaned in toward her beneficiary, who smiled at her lovingly.
The ringing bell signaled the need for the bus, and off they went.

At least two little girls had a very good day today. Probably more. Things like that can be infectious.


Zip it Good

Beauty in the day: he talks to us. We often don’t understand what he’s saying, but he’s also pretty animated, so us educated folk are generally able to decipher his antics. Today he had a few words for the Librarian. He seemed interested in her vest, and she leaned down to let him in’vest’igate. He motioned to her zipper, which he then grasped, and pulled up to her chin. She thanked him with a smile, and he left, exhibiting pride in a job well-done.

Sometimes love is letting someone zip you up.

Heartbeat – It’s a Lovebeat

Beauty in the day: it’s the mom of the very young woman with a new (to her) pair of lungs. That mom has done some serious time in her life, and all her heartbeats have been for others.
Tammy Spading Wallace – you don’t need to donate your heart – it’s already been filling up so many people with love. ❤️

Love is All You Need

Beauty in the day: being reminded that everyone has a viewpoint – everyone has a perspective. Today I see many pictures of planes flying into towers; when I see this, I am only saddened by the insidiousness of such an act. I am reminded of the hurt and pain that so many people felt at their incomprehensible loss – nearly 1,200 of them muslims, who were innocent. I am saddened further to think that those people are now reliving the rejection brought on by fear, as they listen to Americans once again treat them as infidels. It should not be. It should never be.
If you are feeling fearful, there is only one thing that can rid you of it:

Cuckoo for CoCo


Beauty in the day: Jaffrey got it in her head the other day that I was coming to visit, and that it was imminent. “Mommie, Coco’s coming tomorrow!”
“Oh, no, sweetie, Coco’s not coming tomorrow. She will come sometime, but not tomorrow.”
“No, she’s coming tomorrow, Mommie!”
They did a little back-and-forth, and Bree put her to bed with a shrug.
The next day seemed quite normal, and the kids played as usual. When bedtime came, Jaffrey suddenly started crying bitterly. Thinking that she may have pinched herself, Bree investigated.
“What’s wrong, sweetie? Are you okay?” Jaffrey’s answered was punctuated with loud sobs.
Apparently she had been holding out all day for my arrival. Even though it’s painful to think I let her down, I can’t help but be warmed at the thought that she wanted it that much.

Hell Hath No Fury….

Beauty in the day: Sometimes the beauty comes after the day, and sometimes it comes second-hand. If you’re like me, second-hand beauty is just as good. On a day like today, second-hand beauty is like icing on the cake; especially when the cake is made out of rutabaga (I’ve never had rutabaga, but it at least doesn’t sound like something good to make a cake with). I like stories about little boys who write love notes – – this one had a twist that may wind up being far-reaching. He did, in fact, write a love note. He wrote a marriage proposal to a boy in his class – – and signed a fellow girl classmate’s name to said proposal, leaving it NOT on the boy’s desk, but on the girl’s desk. Let’s just say the kid likes to love dangerously. Because I know the girl rather well, I can tell you that this could follow him to his grave, and if he is not careful, if could be sooner, rather than later.

Go Ahead: Make My Day

Beauty in the day: Erin called me via FaceTime so I could visit with the kiddles. They didn’t know she was going to do this, and Jaffrey’s elation at this MADE. MY. DAY. She kept gasping, and putting her hands on her cheeks – she was so amazed and excited to talk to CoCo. “I LOVE you, CoCo!!” she exclaimed over and over. Everett played the adorable shy boy, and covered his eyes to peek out. It was a perfect present for me. ❤

Blessed by Association

Beauty in the day: sometimes people do good things for people that you love. For me, when that happens, it feels like they are doing something for my family. This means my fam is getting the love right now. Thanks, people who do good things for the people that I love. ❤️